The 1-1-1 Framework For Online Portfolio Content

The 1-1-1 Framework For Online Portfolio Content

In this issue of Football Progression Path I’m going to teach you the 1-1-1 framework for online portfolio content.

Understanding the impact of different types of content, and how it can help you target the right audience is key for your portfolio.

Everyone has different goals, and the purpose of an online portfolio is to showcase your skills and knowledge to the right people.

For example, if your goal is to land a job in professional football you will want to target Sporting Directors, Heads of Recruitment and people in the game. If your aim is to get freelance work you might be targeting the media or agencies.

When it comes to online portfolio content, people think they need to get as many likes, and as much engagement as possible. But this isn’t the key to success.

When you appeal to everyone with your online portfolio, you in fact appeal to no one.

The 1-1-1 method outlined below will act as a good starting point for targeting the right people. It can then be shaped based on who you want to ideally see your work.

  • 1 short form post daily
  • 1 piece of medium form content per week
  • 1 piece of long form content per quarter

1 Short Form Post Daily

Short form content is your bread and butter, it’s what you should be doing on a regular basis.

This is mainly targeting general fans, the public and people interested in football content.

The purpose of it is to regularly share insights on your niche. Build your reputation and establish a consistent presence online. As well as being an active member within the online community of analysis, scouting, or whatever area of football you’re focusing on.

You need to show up everyday, that way people know to look out for you.

When you’re sharing short form content think about:

  • Focusing on your niche to build recognition
  • Use engaging visuals and concise explanations to attract attention
  • Consistency; post regularly to maintain visibility
  • Experiment with new formats and topics to see what resonates
  • Tweets, visuals, short posts, short-form videos

1 Piece of Medium Form Content Per Week

Medium form content is there to show more of what you and your work is about.

This is mainly targeting people who like football content more in-depth, think agents, media, some football professionals and dedicated football fans.

The purpose here is to develop a substantial library of content in your niche. You should be showcasing your work in a more in-depth manner, using data or video to backup your thoughts. Deliver value that makes viewers stay.

When you’re creating medium form content think about:

  • Ensuring your content is well-researched and adds value to your audience
  • Building on shorter content, providing more detailed analysis
  • Threads, expanded posts, shorter blogs

1 Piece of Long Form Content Per Quarter

Long form content is what you want to be known for.

This is mainly targeting people who like niche football content. This is where you’ll grab the attention of people who work in football.

It’s purpose is to demonstrate your wide range of skills and knowledge. If your goal is to work in football, then you should showcase the skills needed for those roles. Answer specific football questions, think about what a Head of Recruitment, Sporting Director or Head Coach needs to know.

When you’re crafting long form content think about:

  • Quality over quantity; these pieces should be thorough and well-crafted
  • Showcasing various skills (data analysis, video editing, report writing, telestration, ect)
  • Presenting work professionally, as they are key to showing your expertise
  • Longer videos, essay-style blogs, PDFs, documents

Remember the 1-1-1 method is a good starting framework. You should increase, or decrease the volume of content types as you wish.

Creating 1 piece of long form content per quarter might be a challenge if you’re producing big documents. Equally, you might find you can create more than 1 short form post a day. Experiment and find out what works for you.

So that’s it for this week’s newsletter, I hope this helps you with your online portfolio journey.

Have a fantastic week, and go well.


Whenever you’re ready there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. The Online Portfolio Blueprint - My flagship course for helping new, current and aspiring football professionals. We give you the blueprint on how to grow your knowledge, network and opportunities in football by writing online through an online portfolio.
  2. Pro Scout Edge - Our scouting tool has been created by professionals and tested by experts in football. It’s the ultimate online scouting database you need for your scouting journey. It forms an all-in-one system for player and team scouting, with templates, dashboards and more.

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Liam Henshaw

Practical tips for creating opportunities in football.Whether you're an aspiring analyst or scout, struggling to make opportunities in the game, or seeking a career switch into football.The Football Progression Path is here to guide you.

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