The 3 Pronged Method To Find Jobs In Football

The 3 Pronged Method To Find Jobs In Football

In today’s issue of Progression Path I’m going to teach you the 3 pronged method to find jobs in football.

It can be overwhelming when you start looking and applying for jobs in football. There are lots of different career websites, all with different job adverts. You also need to have a CV ready to go, with a cover letter, and then you can start applying.

In reality applying for jobs through this “traditional method’ isn’t the only way.

Going through the “front door” (applying the traditional way) when finding jobs in football can often be harder and more competitive.

This is why the 3 pronged method approach can be more effective, and successful in helping you find, apply and get jobs in football.

  1. The traditional route
  2. Network and referrals
  3. Cold outreach

Let’s walk through each of these steps:

1. The Traditional Route

This is the “normal” route, the path that most people follow.

It involves finding jobs through football career websites. Submitting your CV and cover letter. Before, hopefully, being selected for the interview process.

Some of the key websites for finding jobs include Jobs4Football, Football Careers, Jobs In Football, the APFA, and EFL Careers.

This method puts you in the same category, and same process as hundreds of other people.

It can be hard to standout. You need to ensure the recruiter sees your application, and puts you through to the next stage. With so many people applying for jobs in football, it’s inevitable that every application is skim-read and this means even if your application jumps out, it still might just get missed.

If you need help with your CV, I have a free template that can help you.

2. Network and Referrals

This is where football professionals really get success.

We’ve all heard the saying “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. Well it’s true, having a good network can be a huge difference maker when you’re looking for and applying for jobs. It’s sometimes the case that some jobs aren’t advertised, but it’s even beneficial to get a heads up about a role before it goes out to the public.

Referrals are also a big thing in football, everyone knows someone, and people in the game will use their network to get an opinion on you.

The best way to build your network, and showcase your skills and knowledge is through an online portfolio.

It allows you to target a specific group of people in football, and demonstrate what you can do. You get to build connections with hundreds and thousands of people by sharing work online. The beauty is that you don’t even have to know these people beforehand.

An online portfolio is the single reason I have connections in football, and the reason why I work in the game full time.

My job came about through my network and portfolio, so I encourage anyone who is aspiring or currently working in football to invest time in an online portfolio.

3. Cold Outreach

Using cold outreach as a method for finding opportunities in football relies on you putting yourself out there.

You have to show up consistently, connect with people in the game, and pitch yourself. You need to demonstrate your value and how you can potentially contribute to their club. You may face rejection numerous times, but persistence is crucial when making this kind of speculative approach.

You might get 1 reply for every 50 messages, you might get no reply, but you have to be consistent.

When trying this, put a system in place to record your progress.

Visit club websites, create a spreadsheet of key decision-makers, and mark them off as you contact them. Tailoring something specifically for the club and showcasing your portfolio can also be beneficial. Bear in mind that people in clubs often get loads of these messages, what’s going to make yours different?

Remember it’s about showcasing your value, and why you’d be useful for the club.

So there you have it, the 3 pronged method to finding jobs in football.

Utilising each of these elements will give you a much greater chance of progressing your football journey. I can’t emphasise the importance of network and referrals enough, you have to invest time into these. Coupling that with the traditional route, and cold outreach will help you achieve your goals.

This exact same method worked for me, I know it can do the same for you.

Thanks for taking the time to read. Have a fantastic week.


Whenever you’re ready there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. The Online Portfolio Blueprint - My flagship course for helping new, current and aspiring football professionals. We give you the blueprint on how to grow your knowledge, network and opportunities in football by writing online through an online portfolio.
  2. Pro Scout Edge - Our scouting tool has been created by professionals and tested by experts in football. It’s the ultimate online scouting database you need for your scouting journey. It forms an all-in-one system for player and team scouting, with templates, dashboards and more.

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Liam Henshaw

Practical tips for creating opportunities in football.Whether you're an aspiring analyst or scout, struggling to make opportunities in the game, or seeking a career switch into football.The Football Progression Path is here to guide you.

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